Searching a job day and night, applying here and there, asking for the references, almost tried everything but not able to catch our dream job Why?
Most of the job seekers come and ask this question
One of my friend (Job consultant in
Today my job search tips will give you few ideas to make your resume effective to get a
From where to start, some talk about cover letter, some about objective, what is the first thing we noticed……..hmmmm!
Ok lets start with Paper and Fonts
Job application, resume should be on white or off white don’t try to show your hidden lover by choosing a scented or colored paper.
Try to catch employer’s attraction by the content of the resume not by the fonts, or use of different colors to show your creativity,
Try to be as simple as you can and emphasis by Bold or Italics to the essentials like your Designation, your Achievements or any special point need to be High lighted.
Career or Carrier Is like Cancer
Before making the final print have a spell check or typo error. Let me give you a very frequent example I come across especially just passed out, I have seen so many resume with career written as carier or carrier??? uuffff nothing less then a suicide, also responsibility as responsiblity and many more
One more example you will really like to read, I received a profile from a candidate, working but looking for a switch over, in his mail, he wrote ”I m IIT pass out having 3yrs of experience now you will really like to have a loo” I instantly called that guy and took him properly for his words. He was as shocked as I was, oh God! He wanted to write “You will like to have a look” so just one alphabet changed the whole meaning
I m not asking you to go through books and go for a crash classes for Grammar at least do MS Word spell check.
Oh yeah! I have also seen some persons who are least bothered about it , ok no issues but have you ever imagine a single letter mistake can change a medicine name so as to kill a person, same will happen here.
(May be you can find some spell or typo errors, even some grammatical mistakes in the articles posted here but you can not give an excuse in your resume, here i can)
Job Seeker or a Copy Cat
Sounds odd to read, ya but true again I have seen so many resume perfectly copied other then name of the job seeker.
It is so remarkable that the consultant points it out just in a while, especially when group of friends sitting together and thinking about the interview next day, one of them went to some cyber café get a cv prepared for them all.
Do you think it’s a joke no, never mention any thing in your resume which is not applicable on you though you all are not going together but consultant can ask any thing from your resume which is nothing but you on paper, ghosshhh! again suicide in job search.
Not even copying a resume I have seen many job applications or emails or cover letters sent to different positions without even noticing that they are applicable or not. For example in a Lift you are pressing the same level button to reach the different levels, like this never send the same application for the position it is not applicable, read the job details very well otherwise result will be ‘Delete’ and you are moved to trash within seconds.
Job resume is not a Dictionary
Ya all know this, resume can never be a Dictionary, even no relation can be there.
Ohk let me explain some candidates prepare their resume which is not less then a dictionary for them. If you keep the sentences aside, few even don’t know the exact meaning of the words they have used in their Career Objective or KRA or Summary
Please make your resume simple (under your grip), you can explain it well and make it presentable with the facts you have with you.
Resume-Love at first sight
You might be smiling with the heading, but it says all what I m going to discuss in this topic. Any Consultant or Employer will take your resume, go through it in few seconds like not view, just review. Resume need to be so attractive in the first shot to make interviewer read, think and ask you about it.
Before moving ahead I want to share few lines related and also not related to this topic
A boy asked a girl ‘Do you believe in the first sight love’
Girl-?????? (surprisingly looking at him)
Boy- or I should pass from here again
But we cant ask interviewer, if you are not getting the skills you want,I can go and make other resume. If your resume doesn’t spark interest, you may never get the opportunity to show your worth. If there is nothing in the showroom who will like to enter in the shop.
I mean by all these examples to highlight the points in resume which are useful to the Employer, know those points better by going through the ‘must’, ‘mandatory’ or ‘required’ skills in the job postings to flash those traits in your resume and make yourself the best option for that job.
You can highlight such points in Career objectives, Profile Summary and Achievements, best way to catch the curiosity of the interviewer is to provide figures in your resume
So we finished talking about few things which are not related to whatever you have mentioned in the resume, still speak loud about you.
Be Ready for- Talking about the core Resume from the very first line