Friday, August 21, 2009

Interview - How to Speak

It seems so simple, but even the most educated among us have trouble communicating. Being able to express yourself in a coherent and confident manner can make all the difference when it comes to that crucial job interview.

Ashley Primis of offers these pointers from former opera singer and voice specialist, Rosemary Ostrowski.

•Slow down.
People tend to speak too quickly so they don't give themselves room to breathe or pause. That’s why people use filler words such as “um” or “you know.” You almost have to consciously slow your brain down and relax.

•Scrap the fillers.
It’s mostly about awareness. Try recording yourself – you will be surprised by what you hear.

•Complete the thought.
Finish sentences and move to the next one. Give yourself time to think of an answer. Try not to use fillers, because they are signs of nervousness. Silence is a powerful thing as it lends an air of confidence.

•Stop being monotone.
Focus on changing your volume and rate to keep things interesting. Slow down and enunciate. A strong voice can be a powerful, signature quality.

•Calm your nerves.
Drink water. Keep your shoulders and arms relaxed. If standing, don’t lock your knees. Concentrate on breathing from your lower rib cage and stomach. When we are nervous, our breath tends to be shallow, which makes voices high-pitched.

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